Wednesday 14 November 2012

Who needs a job when you've got a guitar

From the bridge - JDM Media
I lost my job yesterday.

Boo, says the negative Nancy who becomes depressed and resentful in situations such as this. But not I, my friends, not I.

You see, I've realized that sales, especially on the street, isn't that great at all. Whether its fundraising or trying to sell John the gutter man's high end gutter servicing specials, you always feel a bit sleezy doing it. The main reason is simple, you basically have to convince yourself that what you're doing is good for both you and the customer.

Sometimes the little realities click in and it takes a lot of energy to keep yourself sell, sell, selling away. No matter how good your cause is, it's hard to keep your sales goals in mind when your real life goals are so far removed from what you're doing.

Head space is the key to sales. If you can brainwash yourself into making the job everything you want it to be, you can make a killing. If you begin to realize you'd rather be writing or playing guitar or drawing, your day will come down because your I-want-to-be-here vibes will escape your body language. Then, no one wants to talk to you.

I was like that, going out to different spots around Melbourne basically begging for environment money when I would rather out photographing the wilderness or actually protesting something.

But that's city life I guess. I just know there is something good out there for me. I'm going to check other job sights and take a look for writing and photography gigs. There must be stuff. I'm in Melbourne.

One thing that does bring my day up no matter what us seeing children smile. Kids are so innocent and ready to soak up the world around them. It's so sad when parents won't come talk about the environment with their kids because they're teaching them to not care.

Seb - JDM Media
The PotP on the left is Seb.

On the last day of work for St Lazare Day Camp last summer I went around taking pictures of everyone. At some point I was doing an Indian war dance underneath the gazebo at Bedard park, and Seb came to join in. Eventually I started taking pictures, and just a chance moment resulted in one of the best pictures I've taken of a person. I mean look at that smile.

Having worked with kids, I find you begin to understand how much kids soak in from the world around them. Being a parent is such an important task. It really is sad when I see parents with their kids acting rudely, because it will become part of their children.

I need to find a job doing what I want to do. Cut throat sales is a game I don't want to be a part of and fundraising is too much pleading for my taste. I need to be out there writing stories, playing music and just being myself. I'll try selling my pictures on the street. Someone also told me about a sight where you can do it. I think ill join tonight. The more I have going the better my chances.

I bought a guitar the other day from the Swap Shop in Melbourne. It was a great little store tucked away in the student part of town near the university. I walked in and couldn't wait to get my fingers on a guitar. I saw some classical guitars advertised for $200 each. I took one down and started to play. To say they were only $200 they really did sing beautifully. I couldn't believe my luck, they were in the price range.

You see, when you buy a guitar you don't ever just buy I guitar. If I only want to spend $300, the guitar itself will be $200 then you'll buy a case, capo, pedal, picks and everything else you could possibly need to make it work. So, after choosing the guitar I asked how much all that other jazz was. He just threw it in for free.

I got a guitar, case, capo and 6 picks for $200. Even in Canada that's a good deal.

In other news, Cameron and I are underway with the fire dancing video. We have a working title "The night sings," and have had various photography sections. The picture up top is from the bridge last night and those below are Cameron firdancing on it.

Circle of fire (left), Dancing on the bridge (top right), Duet (middle right), Fire foot (bottom right) - All shots JDM Media

Blog photos never quite place the way you want them to.

Anyway, we had a bit of a scare when Cameron's dance summoned a ghost. Look at the top of the flames. It's there.

Ghost in the flames - JDM Media
I'm also working on poster styles for this kind of thing. Cameron wants to start a campaign on one of those fundraising sites so that he can get his buskers permit and perform on the street. I was thinking of making posters in the style below. Tell me what you think.

Black flames - JDM Media
There would be writing below the picture obviously. I kind of like the selective color effect though.

- James

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo "From the Bridge" and "Black Flames" is impressive too. I like the black and white effect with the blue and orange flames. It looks very misterious and theatrical.

