Sunday 11 November 2012

The day the sun burnt me

Armeneh (I think you spell it like that) and Rozin fundraising very enthusiastically - JDM Media

Eric, who I am traveling with and is often mistaken as my brother even though he is NOT wrote an interesting blog post about monopolies in super markets.

You'll find the article here:

He is right when he says me and Cameron care a lot about the subject. I mean, for one I'm really tired of someone who isn't me getting all the trains and charging me 200 fu*king monies every time I land on one. I mean, come on, they're pretty much everywhere on the board and they don't even take me anywhere. I just land on it with my car (So I don't even need to catch the train) and have to give my two hard earned 100 money notes I JUST got from passing go to some deck (I'm picking up the New Zealand accent) with all the trains.

Also, real monopolies are pretty bad too.

Right now at Coles, everything that is made by Coles is about 25% cheaper than the other companies. Why? probably because Coles wants their brand bought. Makes sense, but if Coles are both the distributor and the producer, then they can push all other companies out of the market with their ridonculosly low prices. I mean, Coles isn't the only supermarket around, but if Coles becomes a store of Coles brand and everyone is going to Coles because it's so cheap, then all Coles is going to do is continue to make food cheaper and cheaper. They'll be able to do whatever they want, and they'll be our sole source.

Probably not going to happen anytime soon, and the aware people in the world will start growing their own stuff, but extremes are more fun to talk about.

So anyway, today I went to a remembrance day festival with the team. The team being Tom. There was a moment of silence at 11 a.m. that nobody announced so everyone forgot. Kind of against the point. Anyway I got 2 sign ups, 1 call back and a French girls number. Over all it was a pretty good day, other than the fact that I am sun burnt.

My God does the sun hit you here. There is absoluteness no middle ground when it comes to sun burns. It's like I'm either white as a snow flake or red as a sun burnt penguin in that joke about being red all over. My skin is all crusty and I just want to be encased in a vat of vaseline.

Stilt people
Now that last sentence brings us to an even future removed tid bit I just discovered. The more typed Google search with vaseline in it is "vaseline as lube."

So on that point, if we keep eating Coles brands we may end up as blue stilt people.

Oh yeh, and this is Jeremy.
Jeremy - JDM Media
- James

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