Friday 23 November 2012

A day without electricity

Desolation - JDM Media
 "A day without power makes the whole world sour." -Nobody

You know the saying money doesn't grow on trees. Well neither does power apparently.

Actually, other than being true, that saying doesn't really make sense. If money did grow on trees then banks would just monopolize the money tree then we'd still be in the same boat. 'Cause the mans like that. The man does what he wants, especially with the money trees.

So all that to say I lost power yesterday because whoever lived here before took their name off the contract. The power guy didn't come until 6 yesterday so I spent the day phoneless.

You never actually realize how many things require electricity until you're forced to spend a day without it. Even the clicker that ignites the stove stopped working so we had to use the more primitive lighter technique to cook our omelettes. Suddenly battery life became a permanent worry, as the end of the battery was the end of convenience.

Computers are great until you can only use them for 20 minutes. Problem is you get flustered because you're trying to organize your thoughts and get all the necessary things done before it starves to death. Next thing you know you're sitting in front of a black screen recovering from a hypnotic Facebook news feed.

Once it came back though, everything was back to normal. I could charge my phone, reconnect to the world and end my existential crisis.

This is Max.

He's the old tenant and was our room mate for a few days. Although his name was not on the electricity and it was someone else who canceled it, he is the closest link I have to the culprit and have therefore decided to blame him for the power out.

This is Andreanne

She was a victim of the power out, along with four of my other room mates.

We were forced to turn to powerless entertainment like talking and guitar.

And this is my reaction.

Utter devastation.

- James

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