Wednesday 7 November 2012

The people that are no today

Picture yourself - JDM Media

The people that are no are always the worst to talk to.

It was my third shift today as a Wilderness Defender Campaigner. Slowly, talking to strangers on the street is getting easier. I try to open as best I can and sometimes you get some interesting conversations.

The Uk and I
My ukulele is a real ice breaker. I don't know whether people just truth strange men with ukuleles or if the music is hypnotic, but either way it works. Among being answered no when asking "How are you today?" I was invited to a ukulele gathering and told that China was the example the whole world should follow environmentally. I'll admit that I don't know anything about Chinese environmental policies but it did remind me of something I think of a lot.

If humanity continues along the path it is going, cutting down our ancient forests and poisoning our oceans, the future cannot be a bright one. It is already pretty bleak as it is, with so many problems coming to the point of irreversible damage.

For one, over population of the globe will eventually lead to food shortages, resource shortages and mass unrest across the globe. The world will become unable to sustain us and natures population control mechanisms will come into play. Either we'll face a world wide pandemic or war.

The environmental problem, having passed the point of no return, is beginning to show its teeth. With natural disasters increasing in both ferocity and frequency, who knows what the world will throw at us in the next decade. Hurricane Sandy is a good example, but I'm sure more is to come.

Funnily enough, the reason for these problems is mainly due to the greed of the rich and society's insatiable thirst for money. Yet, even our economies are failing as the PIGS become more dependent on neighboring countries to pick up debts and help support them. Soon the entire world will feel the full force of the economic crisis, just another problem for new leaders to worry about.

Jokers in the night - JDM Media
I took the picture (right) during a protest against the Quebec Liberal Parties attempt to raise tuition fees earlier this year. Although I wasn't really behind the cause, I was behind the students will to stand up for what they believed in. I had attended the school a few years before and I could never have imagined myself or any of my peers actually doing anything as powerful as this. Inside the crowd it didn't matter what I believed, only that I was part an unstoppable force.

For the good of everyone I hope my dark prophecy is wrong, but tides are turning. Our generation is going to live through one of the most interesting times in human history. We're facing threats from every angle and it is up to the creativity and compassion of the young to make the world a better place. I believe we can do it.

Everyday I stand outside campaigning for nature I realize that the young who have little money are more willing to give than the mature and rich. No wonder the world is so backwards.

Hopelessness won't help us. But, I seems so many people fall into a narrow minded routine devoid of guilty. More than ever it is obvious that problems do not lie in the material, but in the minds of people.

I walked down to the bridge near my house at Sunset today. Night always makes me pensive.

Words - JDM Media
Set at the bridge - JDM Media
 It really inspires me when I see others working hard to get something done in the world. It lifts me when I talk to someone on the streets that already knows about environmental issues or has something to say about politics. That's what we need, awareness and drive.

The people that are no don't care. They don't even care enough to answer my question properly. What can you do other than shake your head and hope the next face will at least smile.

When it comes to my concerns, Cameron's face says it all.

Concerned Citizen

- James

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