Saturday 30 March 2013

The pig is dead.

 Today I took part in the butchering of a pig. Horray.

If anyone's squeamish then you probably won't want to see the rest of the pictures. Today one of the pigs in the pen became pork.

 So how did it go down. Well, first of all we lured the pig out with some carrots and when it was in position Trevor put a bullet in it's head. The shot was louder than I thought it would be, and the pig spasmed for a few minutes after. It was strange to look at. I've never seen an animal that pig die before. It made me think about my own death and I wondered if I would spasm like that after being shot in the head.

Anyway, when the beast finally died we tied him by his back legs and hung him up. Trevor slit his throat to let him bleed then we put the body in boiling water. We then shaved the body bald and started the cutting process.

First of all we had to slit it down the middle so all the organs could fall out. Most of it was intestine. I was surprised how small all the other organs were. Pigs are mainly stomach I suppose.

I learned that pigs have an organ anatomy closest to humans in the animal kingdom. That was a interesting fact to learn as the pigs guts spilled out before me. I must look something like that on the inside.

Once we'd managed to cut off the head and cut it in half we moved on to slice it and put it in the freezer. Once that was done Kira-J wanted the skull for her project, for we started that.

Here are the pictures:

Me eating tongue

Now, I got some great shots and am a big fan of the Walking Dead. So I was inspired to make some posters. Here they are!

We ate him for dinner.

- James

Thursday 28 March 2013

Wednesday 27 March 2013

My Trak'er n' me

The Slasher
 After two and a half weeks of slave labour we finally got to bring out one of the big boys. It's small compared to what were going to be doing in the future, but the slasher (above) is a lot of fun to chug around. Today Kyle got a puncture at 5:30 p.m. just as a storm cloud rolled in. It was one of the big tires. We had to take it all off in the rain. That wasn't so fun.

This week I also got to go around chainsawing the badly behaved trees that grew branches over the paths. They should know better, but I didn't mind. Chainsaws are awesome.

There is an area of dead things in the back because Kera-J needs skulls for an art project. I hope she doesn't need a human one. Anyway, we found a dead dingo on the side of the road which we bought to the back and needed to dig a hole. We were going to bury it to let it rot. The whole was dug Monday and Tuesday we found Crash (Below) in there.

Crash n' Me
He is a baby bandicoot. Sadly, Crash wasn't in good shape when we got him out and didn't make it to the end of the day. Poor little guy. 

Finally the spiders keep getting bigger everyday. I probably said that before, but here are more spiders. 

This one was as big as my hand. 

- James

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Massive spiders 2 and finally updated

Webs of Darwin
Piece of news number 1, I almost ran into this last night. I went to find one spider and take a picture of it, then on my way back I noticed this in the corner of my eye. If I'd been a foot to the left I would have been webbed and probably eaten. It's a holy different world out there at night. 

Horray for near death encounters. In other news I've finally gotten around to setting up all my social networking accounts for JDMedia. It'd be cool if whoever is reading could send me friend invites if they have the accounts. 

Right now I've got Flickr, Twitter and Facebook set up. Here are the links. 


I think they should work. 

Anyway, I also updated my portfolio to make it look better than ever and add some new content. Take a look if you've got a minute and tell me what you think.

- James

Sunday 17 March 2013

Tree chickens and the weekend

Tree Chicken

Two days ago some wild dogs broke into the chicken pen and took out half the chickens. Turns out chickens are blind during the night so they didn't even put up a fight. There are only nine left which means less eggs. 

And less eggs means less omelettes. A major disappointment. Not for the pigs though

Why? Well, Saturday we were supposed to kill the pigs and get them ready to become pork. But the whole half the chickens were killed dealio postponed the pigs fate. Their death remains imminent however. But I did get a picture. 

Greedy Piggies
I've been fattening them up. I don't really know how I'm going to react to killing them. I've never seen something this big killed before. Guess I'll find out. 

In other news there are so many spiders around here I mistake sweat dripping down my arm as creepy crawlies. I took some pictures today. I'm gonna go back out when It's rained and when It's darker so the flash makes the webs shimmer. This is what I got for now though. 

Also, I have some new pets. I have a pet rhino beetle called Jeremy and a Cow vertebrae called Cev (pronounced Kev). I'll be sure to have a photo shoot before next post.   

- James

Friday 15 March 2013

White birds and Shadows

Every morning and evening a swarm of Little Corellas and a few Galahs eat the bird seed we throw out in front of the house. It takes about 20 minutes for any of them to be brave enough to land near us, and even then if we make any sudden movements they all take flight. I sat beside the feed for 10 minutes and this is what I got.
Over the hedge

Ready to march


- James

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Attacked by a swarm of paper wasps, reacted with flame thrower.

Day 1

I woke up this morning and what a morning it was. Filled with earliness and not-wanting-to-be-awakeness. However I pushed through and managed to get to breakfast on time. Hooray!

So, that was at 7h30 and then at 8 I spent the morning practicing staff then I started work. Within 15 minutes I was drenched in sweat and over the course of the morning I drank something like 7 flasks of water. I got lunch then went to do some jobs in the shade.

After lunch I started hedge trimming paths around the place so it was easier to get to the ducks. I did one near the pool then after that I started to push my way through to the duck pens. Within a few swipes of the bush I began to feel a tingling, stinging kind of sensation at two dozen different points on my body.

I ran away from the painful place but the pain only got worse. Turns out I'd hit a paper wasp hive and been attacked by the swarm. Well fuck, I thought and so called Trevor in to tell me wtf I was supposed to do against a paper wasp hive. Well, he showed me. This is what you you do.
NOT MY PICTURE - Paper Wasp according to google images
Step one: get airosol can
Step two: hold lighter in front of nossel
Step three: turn airosol can into a flame thrower
Step four: burn the mofos and imagine their screams, as they are insects and cannot scream.

After that I went about my day doing more ravenous lunaticy things like mowing grass and drinking electrolytes. Then, the sky itself yelled down at me and threatened to exact punishment on my mortal soul.

And by that I mean a tropical storm rolled in. I put all the tools away in safe places then stood in the drive and watched as the sky quickly became a mass of absolute gray. It was like God was photoshoping the world and had created a soft light layer and made it 50% gray. ONLY HE CHANGED THE BLEND MODE TO NORMAL.

Anyway, so you could hear the rain coming in before it got there. The birds were all freaking out and I just watched. I got soaked in 5 seconds and eventually made my way inside. I looked out from the windows and saw the spiders coping with the rain and the trees bending in the wind. It was awesome.

Later as I was trimming hedges I managed to trim a hose line. I fixed it though. As I finished up some last chores the sun started to fall and I didn't pay much attention. I wheelbarrowed some stuff down a path and then I noticed how beautiful the set was. The sky was a cascade of colors that faded from deep purple all the way to summer blue. Apparently it wasn't even I good one. Trevor says he'll let me set up my camera in one of the machines and he'll lift me high enough to get a good picture.

There are so many picture opportunities up here. I'm gonna have a great time.

- James

Monday 4 March 2013

Background project

Over the past few weeks I've been doing a background design project. I've finally come out with five.

My concept was to take sayings and inspirational phrases and take them back to earth.

This is what I ended up with:

- James