Thursday 6 December 2012

Cameron loves vodka

Bird in flight - JDM Media
Damn, birds are fast. 

Bird eating therefore not f*cking
moving - JDM Media
So I got a call today saying I didn't get the school photography job that I'd wanted because I lived to far away. I'd like to believe that is the only reason why they didn't hire me, so I will. 

It's sad, but there's plenty of other opportunities cropping up out of absolutely no where. Yesterday, Cameron and I were walking in Melbourne and saw a little arts market down an alleyway. I like arts markets, so I went down to take a look. The guy who runs it saw me with a guitar bag on my back with a fire staff sticking out. He stopped me then asked if I busk. I said yes and so now he wants to arrange for Cameron and I to perform at the market. I think that's pretty cool.

Second, I got an email from a writing agency giving me some writing exercise to do. I had to write product descriptions and a fake blog post. I did that and sent it back so hopefully they'll get back to me by Monday. I've got a dish washing job right now paying $17 an hour which is keeping me above water. I just want to find a decent job before I go back home.

Cameron meet vodka watermelon
On the other side of things me and my flat have been partying hard. The other week, Cameron's friend Adam came over from New Zealand to visit. He was a good guy, fun to talk to and amazing at playing hillbilly songs about porcupines.

To the left you will see the result of finding out the Aldi nearby sells vodka combined with discovering the one dollar a kilo watermelons from the market next door. The only logical thing to do was to carve a hole in the top of the watermelon and drain the vodka inside. The second logical step was to give it to Cameron since the vodka sits better if you give it some affection.

Once we cut up out creation everyone said cheers and we all dug in. All we'd accomplished was making a watermelon taste like vodka. Eric said the vodka was too strong, but I think Cameron went a little too far with his lovin'.

- James

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