Monday 28 January 2013

ADD switch to new focus

Infection - JDM Media
Like too many of my High School class mates, I seem to have trouble managing to concentrate on one subject a time. I'm not talking about anything standard-of-living lowering or anything like that, I just can't decide what this blog is about.

Anyway, recently I've started becoming really inspired to do a lot more Photoshop and start some real design rather than photo editing stuff. So welcome to the JDM Media design blog that has always and will always be a design blog until I get bored and do something else.

On my new quest to be the best designer ever, the logical first project had to be about zombies.

So here it is, a prototype front cover for "Infection", the next best zombie movie staring me as most of the characters and 70% of the zombies.

A few other things inspired me in the last few days to get this done:

1) I purchased a Photoshop magazine to tell me hoo to do things
2) I woke up after a few nights of drinking and felt like a zombie
3) It was Australia day
4) I tried to watch Night of the living Dead
5) I got a job at a call center and I spent 8 hours a day Monday to Friday talking to people about electricity, but really planning out what I'm going to do if ever there is a zombie apocalypse.

Anyway, I'm gonna work on something else now.

- James

Wednesday 9 January 2013

New Years

New Year - JDM Media
My actual New Years plans went bust this time around, so I ended up somewhere completely unexpected. 

Duck n' Balloons - JDM Media
I was supposed to have a photography gig. Pretty sweet right. I even prepared by practicing my shots in low light setting and figured it was time for an upgrade. A new lens and flash distributor later, I was ready to go out on new years and steal more souls than a ginger with a vengeance.

Slight deviation, yahoo answers told me the best way to steal souls is to buy the Samsung Soul Stealer.

Anyway, unexpected circumstances canceled my gig that would have otherwise propelled me to stardom and instead I ended up on someones roof in Melbourne.

Not a bad alternative, but I wasn't going to bring my camera if I didn't have a reason not to get drunk. By the time we'd reached the party, there was enough "piss" (as Cameron says. He pronounces it pess) in us to quench the thirst of a pirate ship (or an average Irish household).

So, all in all I remember 3 things about the night

1) The fireworks were amazing from the roof top. We got the best view, and for the 10 minutes that they went to sky was lit up all around us. Some people said they weren't that good, but they obviously hadn't drunk enough.

Other name for photo of same thing
2) At some point, before or after the clock struck twelve, I taught a group of Asians how to play Black Jack.  I really hope I haven't destroyed their culture by introducing gambling. We were only using nuts at the time, but who knows what that will gateway into.

3) Now this is the best thing about the night. Their was a couple who'd left their window open in the neighboring building a few stories down. Where most people spent their New Years out partying, they'd decided to spend the years climax climaxing. I mean, if that was how they did it on the Discovery Channel then every male aged 12 to 25 would be tuned in every time there was a doco about nothing but mammals.

We caught the last train home and managed to be back at the house by sunrise. So I grabbed my camera and went to take a few shots by the river. Although my sought-after party pictures were never taken, I thought this would suffice.


Thursday 3 January 2013

Back to business - The Christmas post

Estelle and Andreanne prepare the Christmas napkins - JDM Media
It's 11:45, January 4th 2013 and I think I can say I'm fully recovered from the Christmas and New Years festivities.

A week and a half of constant partying between work have made me a little behind on a lot of things, including this blog. But that doesn't matter, because now I've got some good stories out of it.

So much has happened I've got to split this post into multiple posts over the next few days. So lets start at the beginning. Christmas.
Eric thinks of Christmas
Our Christmas tree
Christmas was a Jolly time full laughter and fun and Santa. It was my first orphan Christmas, where me and many of my friend had no family to celebrate the season with. So we were all each others family and in some ways it was the best Christmas ever. We got up between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. We drunk the goon and beer my Mum sent over to me and we gave each other gifts from our house hold secret Santa. Good times.

Santa came to visit too, although he wasn't as jolly, fat or generous as I remember him being. He didn't have a sleigh, and there wasn't once a jingle of bells the entire time he was around.
Santa Claus is coming to your house
Santa Claus is photobombing your pictures
Santa Claus is having more fun with you then
you ever will with him

 Although Santa wasn't his traditional self, he did add a little bit of personality to the festivities. Some might say Santa was the party, others might say Santa added an inappropriate element to the fun that we could have better done without. Either way he was there, and he wan't going away.

Christmas bread (It's a Quebec thing)

Santa Claus is licking your face

My contribution to Christmas
Andreanne makes a weird Quebec
break no one has ever heard of
Christmas is nothing without a meal, and what a meal we had. Everyone in the house was given the task to prepare their own course. I made pigs wrapped in blankets inside Yorkshire puddings covered in cheese and gravy. I thought that would beat everyone, but I was wrong. Dylan and Sonia bought three cakes and a ham marinated in Maple Syrup. It made the Christmas.

The Ham
Later on in the day, everyone else came over. There was Eva and her friend. Actually that was everyone else. I already mentioned Sonia and Dylan. Hooray.

Basically our activities consisted of getting drunk and eating so much food we couldn't move anymore. It was the way Christmas should be. Christmas is supposed to be about family and lazing around doing nothing. I've never had more of a family outside of my own than I do here, and I succeeded in doing absolutely nothing all day. Sure I cooked, but waiting for sausages to be warm enough to eat in the oven is hardly doing something.

Estelle and I, happy on Christmas
Andreanne and I, doing a smile
Suzanne and Eva
The drunken, full up result of Christmas day
- James