Friday 19 July 2013

Ilona the girl from France

So I'll finally let everyone off the massive tension from my "fire dancing in a park" cliffhanger from last post and tell you what the eff happened.

I was fire dancing in a park in Cairns just to practice and this girl came up to me and was all like "Where can I get one of those," so I was all like "In my pants," (just kidding) I was actually like "Juggleart" and then we were instantaneously friends.

Her name is Ilona and she does fire dancing too although she juggles more. We decided that we should go on some adventures together so the next day we drove up to the butterfly sanctuary in Kuranda. It was cool and she was all like, "Someone from my old Helpx said this was the best butterfly sanctuary in the world," Little did I know at the time that this old Helpx was the bees knees (foreshadowing!)

Anyway we butterflied it up and here's some pics.




Multiple Butterflies!
Butterfly Porn!


Wow, amazing. Then that night we totally went down to the beach and fire danced with two other girls I met on couchsurfing. Damn I'm such a playa.

Me and Ilona hung out for the next day and she told me about this place called Parrots in Paradise which is an exotic bird sanctuary just north of Brisbane. It sounds far out, or rad, or whatever word you want that means good.

I asked her to call and she did and they said they could take me on as long as I came in my van. So suddenly I had an awesome back up plan and place to go in a month.

I said bye to Ilona then went to pick up the German girls from before so we could go work on a herb farm. We got the job the weekend before and decided to drive down together. Up the mountain and over to Mareeba we went. It took all the vans power.

We got there and were quickly pushed off to the side to camp. I was all like WTF and so were they because the woman didn't even say hello. We talked to the backpackers and found out the pay was 35c and bunch of herbs. We were like okay doesn't sound good. Then the next morning we got up early and did 2 hours work, worked out our pay then realized this was not cool. At all. So we left.
This pictures going here damn you Blogger!

Wow fire!
Wow cool!

I ended up in Mareeba with the girls living at a free campsite, farm hoping and employment agency hoping everyday. Out of the blue we landed a gig at the Laura Rodeo doing the catering. It was cool to get a free ride to the rodeo and $240 for two days of work. But, it literally was two days of work minus sleep hours so really the play wasn't good. The girls decided to stick around for more and I decided to GTFO cause nothing was happening.

So, where should I go. Parrots in motherf**king paradise (sorry mum). So yeh, I drove three straight days alone down the East coast until I hit the Glasshouse mountains. I got some free feed from an Aussie and Kiwi and picked up a French hitchhiker who gave me some organic banana bread. :)

Then I got to Parrots in Paradise. Basically I've been here for about 3 weeks and it's awesome. I'm working with exotic birds like Ecleptus parrots and because they need a super media make over I'm doing a website, videos and the photography for the place. It's not for profit and is doing well to stay afloat.

I've linked my video underneath. Hope you guys get a good look at the place. Anyway, I'll write another blog post eventually. See ya.

- James (I can't upload it for some reason)

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